Haute Fidelite Reference
... Le pack Thales TTT-Slim II d’introduction à la marque nous a épatés tout autant. Il est beau, magnifiquement fini, à la pointe de la technologie actuelle, et il chante comme une diva. Recommandé. Article |
French review
"We listen to records that have been very familiar to us, some for more than forty years, a turntable enters our studio, gets more music out ot them, more information, and in the end more emotion than ever before. Thanks!" Article |
Reportage in Swedish fidelity magazine
Premiere of the Thales Turntable TTT with Thales AV and Simplicity Article |
Reportage in Norwegian magazine
Premiere of the Thales Turntable TTT with Thales AV and Simplicity Article |